The Archaeo-Sexism Exhibition
The Archaeo-Sexism exhibition is a traveling exhibition of testimonies on sexism in archaeology, mainly on fieldwork. It aims to encourage diversity and equality through better ethics in the world of research. The testimonies, collected by the Paye ta Truelle project and the Archéo-Ethique association, have been illustrated by artists and exhibited in more than 20 teaching and research institutions in France, Belgium and Switzerland since March 2019. Since May 2021, the exhibition has also been adapted to the USA and UK.
If you wish to host the exhibition, please contact us.
January: École française de Rome, Italy.
January-March: Université de Montréal, Canada.
February-March: Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l'Homme-Alsace (Misha), Strasbourg, France.
March [postponed]: Université de Lausanne, Switzerland.
March: Archéosite de Ramioul, Belgium.
April : Espace Wallonie de Nivelles, Belgium.
May: Archéosite de la Haut-Ile, France.
26 April-2 May: TAG 2021 at Stanford University, United States.
May: Espace de l'Homme de Spy , Belgium.
June: Archéoforum, Belgium.
4 - 22 June [postponed]: Avignon, Journées de l'archéologie, France.
1st October - 15 November: Université Lyon 2 Lumière, laboratoire HiSoMA, France.
10 January-27 February: Musée archéologique d'Arlon, Belgium.
2 March- 26 March: Université de Tours / MSH Val de Loire / CITERES (Cnrs), France.
19-20-21 June: Exposition virtuelle during the Journées Européennes de l'Archéologie
10 January- 27 février : Musée archéologique of Arlon, Belgium.
7 March- 29 March: Espace Wallonie of Tournai, Belgium.
10 July- 7 October: Musée archéologique de Namur, Belgium.
21-26 September: Amiens, during the Festival du Film d’Archéologie, France.
September-October: Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, centre PMF (Tolbiac), France.
October-November: Bordeaux, UMR 5607 Ausonius, France.
3 October- 3 December: Toulouse, Maison de la Recherche de l'Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, laboratoire TRACES in collaboration with the association Aparea, France.
10 October- 12 December: Musée Armand Pellegrin - musée de la Pédagogie, Belgium.
8 March- 8 April: Maison Archéologie et Ethnologie (MAE, Campus de Nanterre).
8 April- 8 May: Campus of Nanterre Université.
11 June- 17 June: Inrap (Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives).
12 October- 28 October: Musée du château de Mayenne (53).
22 November- 14 February 2020 : Institut d’Art et d’Archéologie (Centre Michelet, 3 rue Michelet Paris 6ème).
28 November- ... : Campus ofNanterre Université.
28 November: Journées d'archéologie wallonne in Libramont, Hall aux Foires (Belgium)
The Archaeo-Sexism exhibition is supported by MSH Mondes, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, École Doctorale d'Archéologie of Université Paris 1, Collège des Écoles Doctorales of Université Paris 1, UMR 7041 ArScAn, CNRS, and Université Paris Nanterre.